Business areas

A turning point in the history of healthcare

Mavatar's mission is to redefine healthcare by providing precision medicine solutions through AI.


Our goal is to shift the paradigm from a one-size-fits-all approach to treatments and enable personalized treatments tailored to individual patient needs, significantly improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Mimer platform

Pharma Development Partner

Mimer transforms how pharmaceutical companies develop medicine. Mimer analyzes genome and transcriptome data, along with research and public datasets, to find new gene interactions and drug targets. The Mimer platform offers a data-driven approach that reduces experimental costs and enhances reproducibility, ensuring robust and

reliable results.

M Platform

Personalized Precision Treatment Support

M-Platform usespioneering technology to create personalized medical avatars predicting patient responses to medications with extensive biomedical data. It offers scalable, AI-driven healthcare by modeling over 13,500 diseases, initially focusing on breast, lung, lymphoma, and melanoma cancers.

Discover the mechanisms behind our medical avatars